October 18, 2024

After some research I used a company called WordPress to create the Medwaymonkey website. For a novice it wasn’t easy to get used to it, and I was often having to do lots of research to find answers, which slowed things down a fair bit.

By week 4, and still shuffling around the house and being careful following the surgery, I was learning the art of web building and Medwaymonkey was really starting to look like a website. I was ‘categorising’ and building ‘pages’ and ‘posts’, adding media and linking the short posts to other websites so visitors to Medwaymonkey could be directed to other ‘activities in Medway’ providers.

I was amazed at how much Medway has to offer, but my research just confirmed how difficult it was to find the providers offering things to do and activities in Medway. You could do a basic on line search and so much was missed. I started to move away from the internet and started finding activity providers in free magazines, shop notice boards, waiting rooms and by just coming across things.

Medwaymonkey continues to grow and grow as we find new things to add to the site, and aims to be the single place to go for everything in Medway.

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